SALT Educational Co-op offers both Academic and Enrichment Courses for students Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Classes are scheduled to take place on Tuesdays or Thursdays, with some upper-level classes occurring on both days of the week. Families choose classes that meet their schedule and budget.  Some take one or two classes while others take a full offering of classes for their homeschoolers.

Please view our Course Descriptions to learn about current class offerings and see the Class Schedule for help in organizing your year.

Helpful hints for understanding the class information:

  • Supply Fees are paid at registration and are a one time non-refundable fee.  See the class description for details on things you will need to purchase for the class that is not covered in the class supply fees.
  • Tuition is a monthly fee paid to the tutor at the beginning of each month, except for your April Tuition payment which is paid during registration. The rest of your payments will be paid at the beginning of each month – September through March. See the academic calendar for dates.
  • The general SALT policy is to allow parents to register students who are up or down 1 grade level from what is designated for each class.  For example, if you have an 8th grade student who is ready for a high school level class that is designated at 9-12th, we allow you to register them in that class.  However, tutors always retain the right to determine that a student isn’t ready for the content they are teaching so if there is any question, it is best to contact the tutors before registrations to discuss your specific situation.
  • Classes that are 2 days will specify so on both days of the class schedule.  In those cases, attendance both days of the week is mandatory.
  • Classes in red have been closed due to full enrollment.

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